Heart of the Father

We cannot end this week without discussing the father character in Jesus’ parable. The father offered his love, goodness, and heart to both sons. Unfortunately, one son decided he would reject his father by “doing all the right things,” and the other rejected his father by “doing all the wrong things”. Neither son simply wanted a relationship with the dad.        

The heart of this father must have been grieved to have his sons reject his love, goodness, and place in the family. As a father of eleven (Chris), learning that my kids did not want a relationship with me, but only what I could give them, would crush me. It would make me angry, hurt, and defensive. Initially, I would be tempted to withhold my love or blessing and become conditional, wishing that they’d learn their lesson, be grateful, and appreciate me more.

However, the dad in this story is different. He selflessly sees only the plight of his sons and desires what is best for each of them. He claims both boys and continues calling them his sons even while facing communal scrutiny and scorn. His wealth decreases, and he takes personal hits, but he continues loving and giving. He is steadfast and unmovable on behalf of his sons despite the cost.  

Oh, to be this kind of dad! To love unconditionally, completely, and undeservedly. To be keenly aware and “know” my kid’s needs. To provide in a way that shows the right balance of truth and grace.

The dad in the story is an example of a dad we all need and desire because we are these sons. All of us have rebelled against our heavenly Father like the older and younger brothers. We have all said, “I don’t want to be your son or daughter!” How His heart must break, and yet He is relentless in His pursuit of us. We need a dad who offers us a way home to be His sons and daughters again. A dad who offers all of the love, mercy, grace, and provision we so desperately need. The good news is - we do!

In the climax in this story, one son receives his father’s invitation to come home and is now back in the family. We are then left waiting as the older son is faced with the same offer. We are given the same opportunity, to be sons and daughters of an amazing Heavenly Dad again. He is patiently waiting for our answer. So what will you decide?        

Do you see the heart of your Heavenly Dad towards you?  Why or why not?
His offer has been made. What have you decided?  Are you going to be a son, daughter, or slave?






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